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Monday, 28 October 2013

KMSpico v9 merupakan aktivator yang kegunaannya adalah untuk mengaktivasi operating system Windows dan Microsoft Office. Aktivator ini dapat anda manfaatkan untuk mengaktivasi OS windows Vista, windows 7 dan windows 8, serta Program Microsoft Office 2010 dan 2013.

  • Versatility (activates: Vista/7/8; Office 2010/2013; Server 2008/2008R2/2012)
  • Does not require active participation of the user (it is enough to start the activator).
  • Simultaneous activation immediately and Windows, and Office.
With KMSnano can:
  • Activate Windows Vista Bussines/Enterprise
  • Activate Windows 7
  • Activate Windows 8
  • Activate Windows (8.1 Preview)
  • Activate Office 2010/2013
  • Activate Windows Server 2008/2008R2/2012
Based off of KMSEmulator of deagles.
Thanks to deagles, mikmik38, qad, CODYQX4, xinso. All the credits for they.
Thanks MyDigitalLife.info
Thanks hui.

Author: heldigard

If you install a Office Retail Version after the installation of KMSpico, then run again the shortcut KMSpico to make the conversion, because the Service installed only activate VL.

  • .NET 4.0 or Windows 8/2012.
Recommendations Optional
  • Disable Microsoft Security Updates.
  • Make exceptions to Directory %ProgramFiles%\KMSpico in Antivirus.
How This Program Works
  • Install KMSpico v8.8.1 in Windows.
  • Create Shortcuts for KMSpico.
  • Run automatically KMSELDI and AutoPico.
  • Make Tokens Backup.
  • Detect VL or Retail and depending of the License Status activate or convert to VL.
  • Activate for 180 days all VL products found.
  • Install a windows service that reactive every windows start.
  • Create a task schedule for AutoPico to run every 24 hours.
Change Log
  • Eliminated W7 conversion to VL, because printers problem reported.


Instructions to use:
0. Disable SmartScreen on Windows 8.
1. Run KMSpico_setup.exe
2. Install it.
2.1 (Optional) Create a tokens backup with the buttom: Create.
3. Press the Red Buttom.
4. Done.

1 comment:

  1. banyak amat adf.ly -_- btw makasih,, visit muhamadhabibillah.blogspot.com
